
Monday, October 16, 2017

Obituary: Howard Weaver (1974)

Obituary from the February 1974 issue of the Socialist Standard

We have to record with regret the loss of another comrade of many years’ standing. Howard Weaver died suddenly last month.

Joining the Party shortly after the war, he was one of the group which formed the old Kingston Branch. In those days he often spoke as chairman at the Saturday-night outdoor meetings at Castle Street, Kingston, and at Richmond; his rich, cultured voice was striking in itself, and it conveyed a considerable knowledge of foreign affairs in particular.

In later years he became a member of the Executive Committee, and remained on it until obliged to retire for health reasons three years ago. One other service which he continually rendered was in dealing with communications from Party contacts in Europe; as a translator he gave invaluable help to successive secretaries in our foreign-communications department.

Comrade Weaver was living abroad temporarily when he died, and the news came as a shock to many who had known him. Our sympathy and condolences go to Comrade Rose Weaver and to their daughter Barbara.

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