
Saturday, February 2, 2019

SPGB Propaganda Meetings (1929)

Party News from the February 1929 issue of the Socialist Standard

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

1 comment:

  1. With regards to some of the SPGB speakers mentioned in the notices:

    Edward Fairbrother was a founder member of the SPGB, listed in party records as a member of Battersea branch when the party was formed. He was expelled from the SPGB later that same year in unfortunate circumstances. I'll let 'Kaz' fill in the details:

    "Battersea branch, later Fulham and Clerkenwell branches. Fairbrother was very active for the Party both before and after the First World War, being a public speaker from 1906 until the end of the ‘20s and a regular on the EC (1909-10, 1915-16, 1918-19, 1926-29). At a local level he was briefly Fulham branch secretary in 1906 and 1909. His case is notable for the way in which he came to leave the party. Fairbrother was a busman- later bus workers include Bill Waters (prominent in the 1940s and ‘50s) and Frank Snelling, who headed a breakaway union in the late ‘30s. In early 1929 Fairbrother was responsible for funds belonging to the Rank and File Committee of the London & Provincial Union of Licensed Vehicle Workers. Allegations of financial discrepancies were brought to the attention of the EC (as well as being suspected of theft for personal gain he seems to have donated £25 of funds to the Party). Fairbrother refused to cooperate fully and was charged with ‘action detrimental’. He was expelled by Party Poll on 23rd July 1929 (the vote was a relatively narrow 87 to 59). At least four people resigned over his treatment in this affair. Several ‘Fairbrother case’ circulars were distributed calling for his reinstatement, however he was never to rejoin"

    Isaac Ginsburg - Originally joined the SPGB in May 1923, and finally 'left' the SPGB in 1946. Inbetween, he resigned from the SPGB at least three times (maybe four) and, obviously, rejoined the SPGB on four separate occasions. (This might not be a record.) During his time of membership he was at different times a member of Central; Stepney and East London branches of the SPGB.

    James Uttin was a member of Tooting branch of the SPGB. There are no dates available of his membership of the Party, but he was a member of the SPGB on two separate occasions.
