
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Obituary: Florrie Barwick (2014)

Obituary from the March 2014 issue of the Socialist Standard

Florrie was a socialist who enjoyed being with other socialists at meetings and conferences and always brought cakes as a contribution to refreshments. During one Conference lunch break Florrie related how on return from evacuation at age 13 she had been given a copy of the Socialist Standard by her father, and became a lifelong supporter of the socialist aim. She was proud to have a letter published in the Standard (‘World Without Money’ June 2012) where she wrote of a better way to live ‘on this great planet of ours. A global moneyless society for the whole human race. Co-operation not competition.’

Over the years she took every opportunity to pass on copies of the Standard and various leaflets. Her neighbours as well as family were all aware of her views, with Florrie even speaking of socialism to the paramedic on the way to hospital after her accident sustained when at Head Office for a meeting in September. Florrie recovered well from the injury and subsequent operation, but sadly died from pneumonia on 10 January aged 85 years.  We extend condolences to her family and friends.
Pat Deutz

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