
Friday, September 27, 2019

Party News (2012)

Party News from the July 2012 issue of the Socialist Standard

The Socialist Party stood two candidates in the election to the Greater London Assembly on 3 May. Here are the results:

Lambeth and Southwark: Labour, 83,239; Conservative, 30,537; Liberal Democrat, 18,359; Green Party, 18,144; UKIP, 4,395; Socialist (Danny Lambert), 2,938 (1.9%).

Merton and Wandsworth: Conservative, 65,197; Labour, 55,216; Liberal Democrat, 11,904; Green Party, 11,307; UKIP, 3,717; Independent, 2,424; Socialist (Bill Martin), 1,343 (0.9%).

The on-line London magazine, the Big Smoke, did a video interview with our candidate in Lambeth and Southwark which can be seen here:

Readers may be interested to note that the party virtually doubled its percentage vote in Lambeth and
Southwark compared to four years ago when we last stood there.

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