
Monday, November 25, 2019

Branch News (1966)

Party News from the July 1966 issue of the Socialist Standard

Lewisham Branch are busy canvassing in their own "back door" again and have pushed their Socialist Standard sales up with considerable ease. In an effort to get things going the Branch has adopted the procedure of having discussion after business, on a pre-arranged subject with a comrade opening for 10-15 mins. This is hoped to "spring" some absent comrades into action and tune us all up for the autumn indoor lectures just around the comer.

Hoping to be able to report on a successful canvassing season which we hope may "bear fruit" for the Lewisham branch.

The newly-formed Hampstead Group meets at the Central Library, Swiss Cottage, N.W.3. For further details write to D. Gluck, 201 Adelaide Road, NW3.

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