
Sunday, May 2, 2021

SPGB Discord Meeting: Is class consciousness a thing of the past? (2021)

Party News from the May 2021 issue of the Socialist Standard

Socialist Party Discord Meeting

'Is class consciousness a thing of the past?' 

Speaker: Anton Pruden

Friday 7 May 19.30 (GMT + 1)

A sideways look at Marx’s distinction in today’s world, focussing on historical events that changed the world and how we can apply them to our revolutionary case. Why have all those calling themselves socialists, including us, failed to implement major societal change in a very unstable world? For Socialism to be implemented, do we all need to embrace a whole new paradigm? Lively discussion welcome.

All Socialist Party meetings/talks/discussions are currently online on Discord. Please contact the Forum Administrator at for details on how to join.

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