
Saturday, October 15, 2022

Party Notes. (1905)

Party Notes from the January 1905 issue of the Socialist Standard

During the month of January there will be two meetings of the Executive Committee, viz., Saturday 7th at 3 p.m., and Tuesday 17th at 7 p.m.

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Since the election of the present Executive Committee, there have been three vacancies created by the resignation of Comrades E. Allen, H. Hawkins, and Woodhouse. The latter is now in the United States in pursuit of a livelihood and has, I am sure, the beat wishes of every member of the Party. The following members have been elected to the Executive to fill the vacancies: T. A. Jackson, A. Barker and F. S. Leigh.

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A Branch has been formed in Tottenham. The Secretary is Leslie Boyne, 17, Etherley Road, South Tottenham, N., who will be glad to hear of anyone desirous of joining.

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The Quarterly Delegate Meeting to receive and deal with the report of the Executive Committee will be held at the Communist Club at 6.30 p.m. on Saturday, 21st January. Each Branch is entitled to send two delegates. Credential forms have been sent to the Branches, and Branch Secretaries should see that each Credential issued is properly filled up.

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In order that the Quarterly Report of the Executive Committee may be completed, will Branch Secretaries please note that the Reports of Branches (form C) should be forwarded so as to reach the.Central Office by Saturday, 7th inst. if possible.

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Membership Cards for 1905 are now ready. Each Branch Secretary should send at once to : Comrade J. McNicol, Assistant Secretary, 179, Isledon Road, Finsbury Park, London, N., a list containing the registered numbers of those members for whom new cards are required. The member’s full name and address may be given in each case, but the registered number is all that is necessary.

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All remittances from Branches to the Party Funds should be sent to Comrade McNicol, who transacts the Secretarial work as far as Party Finances are concerned. All remittances ia connection with payment for copies of the Socialist Standard, advertisements therein, etc., should be sent to Comrade Anderson, 24, Belmont Avenue, Edmonton, N.

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Articles, Branch Reports, and all other matter intended for insertion in the columns of the Socialist Standard should be forwarded to 5, Arvon Road, Highbury, N. If members and other readers would follow out these instructions considerable trouble and delay will be obviated.

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Ill health has compelled our Comrade Dowdeswell to cease his work in connection with the Lecture List. For the present the duties have been taken up by Comrade T. A. Jackson, 408, St. Anne’s Road, Harringay, N. It is to be hoped that with the advent of more genial weather, Comrade Dowdeswell will again be in form and at his old post.

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Members should use their best endeavours to secure.subscribers to the Socialist Standard. Subscription forms can be had on application to Comrade Anderson. A subscription form enclosed in each letter to friends likely to be interested would bring good results.

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