
Thursday, July 6, 2023

Notes. (1930)

From the July 1930 issue of the Socialist Standard

Wealth !

“How much shall we and our guests spend on the wonderful social programme which began in May, and will continue till September?”

“It can hardly be less than £50,000,000; it may be far more.”

. . . . . . .

“Wealthy Americans, accompanied by wives and children, spend £10 to £30 a day at London’s luxury hotels. Rents up to £200 a week are paid for the more elaborate furnished West End houses at the height of the season.”
(“Daily News,” 13/6/’30.)

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Churchill discovers overproduction.

In his Romanes Lecture delivered at Oxford on Thursday, June 19th, Mr. Winston Churchill made some interesting admissions about the inadequacy of the capitalist system, and about the inability of the economists to understand capitalism. The “Daily Telegraph” (20th June) reports him as follows : —
“Mr. Churchill examined the classical doctrines of economics, with their insistence on private enterprise, individual effort, and non-interference by the State, and said that we could clearly see they did not correspond to what was going on now.

If, he proceeded, the doctrines of the old economists no longer serve for the purposes of our society, they must be replaced by a new body of doctrine equally well-related in itself, and equally well-fitting into a general theme.

The root problem of modern world economics was the strange discordance between the consuming and producing power. We were faced with the Curse of Plenty.”

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Birth Control & Unemployment.

The Birth Control Movement have issued a leaflet explaining that France cured unemployment there by means of Birth Control.

Fewer babies— fewer out of work — prosperity — and plenty to eat at Nature’s table.

It’s very simple. Whilst curing unemployment, somehow they left most of the French workers in poverty.

Why are the numbers of out-of-works fewer in France ?

The explanation must be sought in the economic position of the French population, as well as in the post-war reparation work in France, as well as her military situation. An article on this matter will appear shortly.

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