
Saturday, August 26, 2023

Party News Briefs (1958)

Party News from the August 1958 issue of the Socialist Standard

Visit to America tad Canada. Plans are being made by our Comrades in the West for an extensive tour for Comrade D’Arcy when he flies to America at the end of August, where he will be a delegate from our Party to the Annual Conference of the World Socialist Party at Boston. Without doubt he will have a very interesting trip if Comrade Gilmac’s experiences last year are anything to go by. It is hoped that Comrade D’Arcy will be able to send an interim report for inclusion in the September Socialist Standard.
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Wickford Branch is in future to be known as Basildon Branch—full details are given in the Directory on the back page.
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Mitcham Discussion Group has now been established and is holding regular meetings on the fourth Thursday in each month. In addition, lectures are being held on August 14th and September 11th—details elsewhere in this issue.
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Bloomsbury Branch is arranging to hold discussions on the first Thursday in each month at Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, W.C.l. The first, on September 4th, at 8.30 p.m., is on Crises. Comrade Hardy will open the discussion.
Phyllis Howard

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