
Tuesday, September 19, 2023

SPGB Meetings (1938)

Party News from the September 1938 issue of the Socialist Standard

1 comment:

  1. Super annoying that there's a limit of how many labels I can post. So many people left out that should be included.

    Off the top of my head:

    - Tony Turner
    - Sammy Cash
    - Solomon Goldstein
    - Augustus Snellgrove ('Reginald')
    - Sid Rubin
    - Bob Ambridge
    - Ted Wilmott
    - Clifford Groves ('Clifford')
    - Charles Lestor
    - Bill Waters

    Anyway, by including them in a comment, hopefully they'll all turn up in the search engine.

    A reminder, also, that Frank Grainger was originally selected as the SPGB parliamentary candidate in East Ham. War intervened and by the time another General Elections came around again, Grainger was long gone and Clifford Groves was the SPGB's parliamentary candidate in Paddington.
