
Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Who said . . . (1983)

From the September 1983 issue of the Socialist Standard

Here are some quotations. See how many you can correctly match up with their sources.

1. “I want to earn an honest living”

(a) Prince Charles
(b) Lord Wilson
(c) Ronald Biggs

2. “The Pope’s got great charisma. I’d like to sign him up”

(a) The Reverend Moon
(b) General Jaruzelski
(c) Lew Grade

3. “We must show that we have positive policies which are based upon the implacable requirement that the interests of the British people must predominate”

(a) Winston Churchill
(b) Neil Kinnock
(c) Martin Webster

4. “Whether you call it surplus or profit it is necessary, whether we live in a Socialist economy, a mixed economy or a capitalist economy”

(a) HRH The Duke of Edinburgh 
(b) Milton Freidman
(c) James Callaghan

5. “Is any sick among you? Let him call up for the elders of the Church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer of faith shall save the sick”

(a) Norman Fowler, Minister for Health
(b) The Chairman of Mazola
(c) The Bible (James v. 13)

6. “No sensible person suggests that students should not learn about Marxism any more than that a Medical course should omit venereal disease”

(a) Alastair Burnet
(b) Professor C K Grant
(c) Kenny Everett

7. “The belief in progress, the belief that Man can manage his own destiny is the most appalling death wish that ever afflicted humanity”

(a) A Neanderthal man
(b) General Haig
(c) Malcolm Muggeridge

8. “I cannot say in all truth that I do look on capitalism and business with the same joy as in 1960”

(a) Richard Nixon
(b) Jim Slater
(c) Roy Jenkins

9. “The efficiency of a business is much more important than the question of who owns the shares”

(a) Yuri Andropov
(b) Reg Prentice
(c) Denis Healey

10. “I went to the Lords because I had nowhere else to go”

(a) Lord Shinwell
(b) Ian Botham
(c) Lord Gormley

11. “I used to say that politics was the second oldest profession and now I have come to know that it bears a gross similarity to the first”

(a) John Profumo
(b) Shirley Williams
(c) Ronald Reagan

12. “Its (the workers’ state) officers are elected and subject to political control. All epaulettes and privileges of rank are abolished. . . All judges must be workers and subject to regular education”

(a) Monty Python record
(b) International Socialists Pamphlet
(c) A Bulgarian politburo brochure

13. “We demand therefore: abolition of incomes unearned by work. Abolition of the thraldom of interest. . . The ruthless confiscation of all war profits. We demand the nationalisation of all businesses which have been amalgamated. We demand that there should be profit-sharing in the great industries”

(a) A Militant editorial
(b) Manifesto of the Socialist Workers Party (SWP)
(c) Programme of the National Socialist German Workers Party (The Nazi Party)

1. (c). 2. (c). 3. (b). 4. (c). 5. (c), 6. (b). 7. (c), 8. (b), 9. (b), 10. (a), 11. (c), 12. (b). 13.(c).
Gary Jay

1 comment:

  1. Normally I'll pepper a post with wiki links galore . . . but not today. Too fucking many names from yesteryear. You either know them or you don't.

    I mean, didn't Jim Broadbent play Jim Slater in Only Fools and Horses?
