
Thursday, October 19, 2023

"Wearing badges is not enough in days li . . . ooh, that's nice" (2020)

Advert from the October 2020 issue of the Socialist Standard

This advert has pretty much appeared in every issue of the Socialist Standard over the last few years (how dare you think 'space filler') but I've never thought to mention it on the blog before now. It's a slight adaptation of an old Party badge which - I think - dates from the 1950s and, though it does look like an old London Underground badge, I rather like it. 

I had an original version of the badge a few years back which I bought via eBay but, sadly, it's long since gone. It was lost in a move we made. Not sure if you can purchase this version if you're living outside the UK.

"Wearing badges is not enough"? I know, you've heard that line before. From here. Enjoy.

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