
Wednesday, March 6, 2024

February's "Done & Dusted"

Another quiet month. Only 14 Socialist Standards 'done and dusted' in February. However, I do have my ready-made excuses at hand: the 'easier' Standards are all but completed at this point, so more *cough* work is necessary now when putting Standards on the blog, and it is also the case that more time has been given over to developing new features for the blog - more to follow - and that eaten into what time I have to scan in material. 

I am pleased that some of those completed Standards are from the Edwardian period. Despite the fact that these are Standards that were already scanned in by ALB, and are already on the SPGB's website, they still take quite a bit of time to put on the blog because I do like to put the extra time in adding links for incidents and individuals mentioned in the articles. I believe it aids the reader.

They are broken up into separate decades for the hard of hearing.

February's "Done & Dusted"

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