
Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Party News (1987)

Party News from the June 1987 issue of the Socialist Standard

Camden and North West London Branches have just concluded a series of ten propaganda meetings, jointly organised by the two branches. All the lectures dealt with subjects fundamental to the SPGB case, including democracy, reforms, war. trade unions. For each of the lectures a fact sheet was made available for distribution to the audience. These sheets gave a number of quotations relative to the subject, from party publications over a number of years, and quotes from our opponents. The quotes showed clearly the correctness of the socialist position relative to those of parties and individuals who call themselves "practical". The collection of ten sheets is an invaluable guide to all members, and in particular to speakers.

The Branches will soon be planning their next series.

1 comment:

  1. The two branches who eventually became the bulk of the expelled Socialist Studies group.

    A sad business all round.
