
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Party Pars (1909)

Party News from the March 1909 issue of the Socialist Standard

The S.P.G.B. at all points of the compass are meeting the enemy or making arrangements to do so. The Anti-Socialist Union have agreed at four different places to meet us in debate. Early in March a discussion will take place between rep representatives of the two organisations at Paddington. At Tottenham a Mr Farraday  is to meet Anderson as soon as arrangements for hall accomodation have been settled. Islington and Battersea have also negotiations pending.

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There is to be, too, a reawakening of a discussion already held between Anderson and a Councillor Freeman. On that occasion, when Freeman deputised for a fellow Councillor, the Party position was absolutely unscratched by the opponent. Recently, at Tooting, the same Freeman boasted that he had “wiped the floor” with our representative. He was promptly invited to repeat the performance before a Tooting audience. as things have been going all our way there. Doubtless the worthy Councillor will make good his acceptance of the invitation.

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The S.L.P. is anxious to demonstrate the fact that it has at least one representative in London. The negotiations for a debate with a person reputed to represent that Party were nearing completion when it was discovered that he was no longer a member and could not act further. We understand that Mr. F. Budgen will therefore appear on their behalf.

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The leaflet noticed in our leader column last mouth has been in great demand, and the supply that was at the Head Office is practically exhausted. A new one has been issued on a more general topic, entitled: “Socialism versus Social Reform.” It can be supplied to branches and others at 7s. 6d. per thousand.

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The attention of all concerned is drawn to the fact that the Fifth Annual Conference of the Party will be held at the Communist Club, 107, Charlotte St.. Fitzroy Sq.. W., on Friday, April 9th, and Saturday, April 10th, commencing each day at 10 o'clock. In the evening of Friday, at 7.30, the Annual Social will be held. Admission will be by ticket (6d. each), to be had off all Branch Secretaries or at the door.

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On the 21st of March the Battersea Branch are holding a Commune Celebration meeting at the Latchmere Baths. Full particulars on the back page.
Dick Kent

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