
Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Party News (1920)

Party News from the August 1920 issue of the Socialist Standard

Our Manifesto is Out.
We were not in a position when we went to press with our last issue to announce that the new edition of the “Manifesto of the Socialist Party of Great Britain” was ready for sale, although before the July number was published the “Manifesto” was actually in the hands of the public. We have had to prepare a large edition in order to be able to sell the book at 3d. without financial loss, so comrades should push the sale to the utmost.

The special preface to the edition covers the extremely important ground of the actions of the so-called Socialist parties during the period of, and in relation to, the recent world war, and it should be brought into prominent and special notice in all working-class circles. It will undoubtedly become a valuable weapon in the fight for Socialism.

Our £1,000 Fund.
Once again we draw attention to the urgent need for the “sinews of war.” Though we do not care to spare a great deal of our spare for appeals for funds, the need is not on that account any the less pressing or vital. There is much work awaiting the financial means to enable it to go forward, and all who are possibly able to do so should send regular donations to our £1,000 Fund. In particular those who are unable to take part in the direct active work of the Party should make a special effort to support the efforts of their comrades through this medium. A further list will be published in due course—don’t let your name be missing from it.

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