
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Obituary: Death of Comrade A. Guiver (1938)

Obituary from the November 1938 issue of the Socialist Standard

We regret that Comrade A. Guiver died on August 14th after several years’ illness. This West Ham comrade was prevented in recent years from carrying on his former active work for Socialism, but older members will recall his tireless enthusiasm. He spent every available minute of his leisure selling party literature and would tramp miles in order to attend meetings where he could do this. Although in poor circumstances, he was always cheerful and carried on his party work with unfailing enthusiasm. He is another of those workers, out of the limelight, who are a sad loss to the party. He joined on July 2nd, 1906, thirty-two years ago.

1 comment:

  1. Guiver was registered as AFB Guiver in the membership records, joining the West Ham Branch of the SPGB on July 2nd 1906.

    An AE Guiver also joined the West Ham Branch of the SPGB on November 4, 1907, and is listed as being killed in Germany in 1919.
