
Monday, July 30, 2018

The "Socialist Standard" in War-Time (1940)

Editorial from the July 1940 issue of the Socialist Standard

The war has at last dealt our propaganda a hard blow. The recent drastic additions to the regulations on printing and publishing have forced us to the conclusion that it is impossible, in present circumstances, to explain our case adequately as we would wish. As we are not prepared to put our views forward in such an emasculated form that it would be bound to give rise to misunderstandings and a misconception of our attitude, we have decided to abandon the publication of propagandist matter, in the customary meaning of the term “propagandist."

While we deeply regret having to adopt this course, we cannot see any workable alternative to it.

We prefer to explain our position frankly, and hope our readers will understand and continue to support us.

Whatever the future may have in store for us we stand steadfastly by the pledge made in August, 1914, and again in September, 1939, that the principles and policy that have guided us throughout the whole of our history remain our unaltered attitude, and will continue to guide us and determine our actions until the war clouds pass away.

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