
Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Appreciation. (1915)

From the August 1915 issue of the Socialist Standard

The following are selections from messages of encouragement and appreciation which have reached us from many corners of the far-flung Empire in which we live. As adumbrated in the leading-article, these messages are at once an encouragement and a fulfillment.
"Having read perhaps the bulk of Socialist (real or so-called) printed in the English language, we wish to express admiration regarding the attitude taken up by the SP.G.B. towards the European conflict. It is certainly a beacon light for the others. May your propaganda continue to spread. It is the only antidote to patriotism and the other poisons instilled into the minds of the workers.”
T. Anderson, J. Sullivan.
Blackball, New Zealand. 
Trusting you will continue to maintain your clear-cut and unequivocal stand, unlike so many of the pseudo-Socialists in the land of your masters, and in other lands, I am
                                                                    Yours for real education,
Simon Freestone.  
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.
I, along with the Party here, greatly appreciate your stand during the present crisis.
Robert Temple.

Nanaime, British Columbia.
I am pleased to say that I have bean receiving the "S.S.” regularly lately, and that it still keeps up its reputation as the best Socialist paper published.
F, C. Wright.

Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.
"Members admire the stand and courage of tbs S.P.G.B.”
"Wherever the 'Socialist Standard’ has been read it has met with approval.”
E. R. Bales.

(Sec. Socialist Party of North America.) 

Toronto, Ont.
I think l can truthfully say that yours is the most consistent of any publication I know of, and I have passed many of my copies to comrades. Each and every one agrees that you are treading the only path possible for a clear-cut revolutionary organisation.
Jas. Brereton. 

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
I may mention that the comrades of the S.P.G.B. have the goodwill and appreciation of the local comradec.
Sidney E. Gage, 

William Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
  I am at a loss for words in which to express my admiration for the great little paper, and keen appreciation of the courageous stand of the S.P. of G.B. in these trying times. I recognise fully that from the class-conscious proletarian standpoint it is the only stand to take. The act remains, however, that there are numbers who have certain convictions, and who know the causes, yet lack tbs courage of their convictions.
  In the midst of the confusion obtaining in the ranks of labour as a result of the mouthings of the different labour fakirs, and the outpourings of tbs various intellectual prostitutes and other humbugs, the attitude of the "Socialist Standard” is clear and unmistakable; it is a beacon of light in a wilderness of stygian darkness.
F. J. Connett,

Kenora, Ontario.

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