
Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Obituaries: G. Nyberg & Jack Butler (1944)

Obituaries from the August 1944 issue of the Socialist Standard

Death of Comrade G. Nyberg
It is with deep regret that we learn of the death of Comrade G. Nyberg, of Paddington Branch. He was recently killed by the latest manifestation of scientific research under capitalism, the "flying bomb.” In a large measure the formation of the Edgware Discussion Group was due to his efforts. In the Group he was a capable, active and untiring member in making the Party Case known among the workers in the district. His death comes as a severe blow to the comrades who worked with him in the cause of Socialism, for we can ill-afford to lose members of his calibre. A letter of condolence has been sent by the Executive Committee to Mrs. Nyberg and family.
E. J. Ford

Death of Comrade Butler
We greatly regret to announce that our Treasurer, Comrade J. Butler, was killed by a flying bomb at the end of July. An obituary notice will appear in our next issue.

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