
Saturday, October 20, 2018

Letter: The S.L.P. and the Conduct of Meetings. (1934)

Letter to the Editors from the November 1934 issue of the Socialist Standard
We have received the following letter from a reader in Vancouver : —
“Vancouver, B.C.,
“ September 21st, 1934.


“In the September issue of the Socialist Standard, in reference to conduct of public meetings, you publish a statement of the Secretary of the British Section of the Socialist Labour Party, quoting that they allow questions and open discussion at all propaganda meetings.

“In this respect the British Section are ahead of the American Section, as last month (Thursday, August 16th), at the Victory Hall, Vancouver, I attended a meeting of the S.L.P., addressed by Eric Hass. Questions were allowed, but discussion was not allowed, and when the Chairman’s decision was protested from the floor he adjourned the meeting.

“I might add, the speaker was in difficulty over a question of the Communists dealing with the ‘Dictatorship of the Proletariat,’ but the meeting was orderly, and the attitude of the Chairman could only be construed as evidence of the weakness of the position of the S.L.P.


  1. In the original article, the SLP speaker was listed as Eric Haase, but it must have been a misspelling of Eric Hass, who was a leading member of the SLP for over four decades, and was the SLP Presidential candidate on four separate occasions.

  2. In all probability the comrade from Vancouver was a member of the recently reformed Socialist Party of Canada but without a name I cannot be certain.
