
Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Tit-Bits from the Capitalist Stewpot (1941)

From the July 1941 issue of the Socialist Standard

How Much to Tip the Waiter?

War brings many changes, and the Evening Standard (May 24th. 1941) reports that tips have declined considerably in the smaller London hotels, but adds:—
   The reduction of gratuities is not so marked in the more expensive places. The 10s. meal is usually tipped half a crown, and on a 50s. dinner-for-two bill the waiter would expect at least 10s.
That makes three quid for a meal for two. Not bad going, these days—What? Equality of sacrifice and all that.

In the Land of Democracy

The May Reader's Digest summarises an article by Colonel William J. Donovan, in which he affirms the “toughness” of democratic nations, with particular reference to the U.S.A. In this article it is stated : “About a third of our people receive incomes insufficient to maintain a minimum standard of healthy living.”

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