
Saturday, February 2, 2019

SPGB Lectures (1929)

Party News from the February 1929 issue of the Socialist Standard

Click the picture to enlarge.

1 comment:

  1. A note on some of the listed speakers:

    W. E. McHaffie was a member of the SPGB from February 1914 until his premature death in March 1931. He was listed as a member of East London branch of the SPGB.

    In the May 1931 Socialist Standard obituary for McHaffie his name was spelt as MacHaffie. On another matter, I'm convinced that he wrote under the pen-name of 'Mac' for the Socialist Standard in the 1920s. For the longest time I thought the 'Mac' pen-name was just another pen-name used by Gilbert McClatchie (Gilmac) but I'm now convinced it was in fact McHaffie.

    I recommend you check out his obituary from the Socialist Standard. It appears that his premature death was a consequence of the privations he suffered as a class-conscious objector to the First World War.

    Ted Lake was a member of the SPGB for nearly 66 years, joining Battersea Branch of the Party in February 1911. His obituary appeared in the February 1977 issue of the Socialist Standard.
