
Saturday, April 20, 2019

For Socialism (1972)

Party News from the August 1972 issue of the Socialist Standard

Majority Understanding                                       Not Minority or Direct Action

This will be our theme for a week’s special propaganda 17th-24th September. The subject is topical and 
important. It brings into question many of the dangerous policies advocated by so-called Left Wing 
groups. The question of leadership, Parliament and above all the need for a majority of people to understand Socialism before it can be established.

Our preliminary plans show extra outdoor meetings in London during this period; others in Glasgow', Edinburgh, Merseyside, etc. Special literature sales drives will also be held. The Socialist Standard will be a special issue featuring this theme with two colour front page. We appeal to readers and sympathisers to support these meetings and assist in selling literature. Full details will appear in the September issue.

We would hope that you might consider a personal sales drive either where you live or at work. A
postal order for 70 p. will bring you a dozen copies. Send your remittance to the Literature Secretary,
S.P.G.B. 52 Clapham High Street, London, S.W.4.
Propaganda Committee.

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