
Monday, October 7, 2019

The "Daily Worker" and the S.P.G.B. (1943)

Party News from the March 1943 issue of the Socialist Standard

In the “Daily Worker" on February 25th appeared a statement that the British National Party was holding what was described as a "Fascist Conference" at Easter in the Lysbeth Hall, Soho Square, and that the booking had been made in the name of the Socialist Party. As our Annual Conference is being held in the Lysbeth Hall at Easter, we drew the attention of the "Daily Worker" to the fact that their statement was entirely baseless and that we have not at any time had any association whatever with the British National Party and had not booked that or any other hall for anyone but ourselves. On 27th February the "Daily Worker" published the following retraction:—
We are informed that the Lysbeth Hall, London, has not been booked by the British National Party, or anyone acting on their behalf. The booking has, in fact, been made by the Socialist Party of Great Britain for their Annual Conference."
It will be noticed that the "Daily Worker" did not see fit to offer any word of apology.
Executive Committee S.P.G.B.

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