
Friday, November 8, 2019

Our Sixth Annual Conference. (1910)

Party News from the May 1910 issue of the Socialist Standard

The Sixth Annual Conference of the Socialist Party of Great Britain was held at Fairfax Hall, Harringay, N., on Friday and Saturday, March 25th and 26th.

Comrade R. H. Kent (Stoke Newington) was elected to the chair. The Credentials Committee reported 39 Delegates present, representing 18 Branches.

The Report of the retiring Executive Committee was very gratifying. It recorded an encouraging advance in all directions. A good number of new members had been enrolled during the year, and new branches had been formed—at East Ham and Walthamstow. The financial outlook had greatly improved, enabling more effective work to be done. The circulation of the Party Organ had made marked progress, while there had been a very gratifying increase in the number of contributors.

50,000 copies of the Election Manifesto had been issued, with very good results. A pamphlet on “Socialism and Religion” had been completed and was now in the Press.

Numerous debates had been held throughout the year, and the Party’s position had been placed before many other organisations.

Three branches had contested local elections, making good use of the opportunity for a vigorous propaganda.

The Treasurer’s report confirmed the E.C. in financial matters, and showed a substantial balance in hand, while the report of the Organiser was particularly satisfactory, both regarding the past year and the prospects for that to come. In the provinces in particular the outlook was much brighter.

The “Items for Discussion” brought forward a number of members and delegates in a debate of high merit. Many young members took part, adding no mean contribution to the important and interesting discussion that followed.

Space does not permit me to report, even briefly, the points raised, but the calibre of our younger speakers assures me that our speakers list will be very greatly augmented in the near future.

The Conference was adjourned on the Friday evening to make way for the Annual Social, which was an unqualified success in all respects, and in attendance eclipsed all others. 
W. Knight

1 comment:

  1. W. Knight was, in all probability, William Knight of Tottenham branch, who was General Secretary of the SPGB from 1909 to 1911/12.
