
Saturday, February 15, 2020

Obituary: Stanley Killingbeck (1971)

Obituary from the February 1971 issue of the Socialist Standard

Our comrade Stanley Killingbeck of Westminster Branch has died accidentally as a result of a dental operation. Stan Killingbeck was 48 and had been a member since 1954. He worked in various parts of the country as a telephonist and always argued the Socialist case and sold Socialist literature. His help in the struggle for Socialism will be missed.

1 comment:

  1. Originally joined the SPGB in 1943 - "via Hyde Park meetings" - but left/lapsed in 1944 to join the armed forces (RAF). Rejoined the SPGB in 1948 via Fulham Branch, only to be briefly lapsed in February 1954. He quickly rejoined the SPGB in June 1954, retaining his party membership until his premature death.
