
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Our £1,000 Fund Progresses. (1918)

Party News from the October 1918 issue of the Socialist Standard

Our £1,000 Fund progresses very slowly. The following list of subscriptions was unavoidably crowded out of our last issue, and last month's list has not arrived in time for insertion in this issue. Now, comrades and fellow-members of the working-class, to attain our object, viz,. £1,000 by the end of the year, or before, you must do better than this. With the general election looming in the distance, £1,000 won't bring us very far along the road towards the object we have in view.

Important Notice.

Here's an item for you to make a note of—and don't forget it.

A dance will be held in the Devonshire Hall, Devonshire Road, Mare Street, Hackney on Sunday, 20th October. Commence at 6.30, doors open at 7 o.c. Proceeds to go to the £1,000 Fund.

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