
Monday, June 15, 2020

Small Mercies. (1919)

Party News from the June 1919 issue of the Socialist Standard

We present below our ninth list of donations to our Thousand Pound Fund, and candidly we are ashamed of it. Any of the bosses agents who may happen to have his eye glued to that acknowledgment list may very truly report to his bosses that they need have no fear of Socialism and the Socialists yet. An "ism" that is only six pounds a month strong has got to do a lot of growing before it can overthrow the capitalist system. Anyway, the great falling-off of the subscriptions to the fund brings us up against a very serious situation, and those to whom our propaganda means anything may just as well understand the facts.

The fact is, of course, we really must have a better response to our appeal. It must be remembered that the war has been ripening a magnificent harvest for us. Are we to gather it, or is it to run to waste? We cannot garner it without means. We must have books and leaflets printed, and we must send our missionaries out into the highways and byeways. We ask you to find the money.

And you can also, if you like, come along and help to spend it. We shall be very glad to share the work with you. Now, you who do so much for your masters, can't you do a little for yourselves?

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