
Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Go For A Million! (1993)

Party News from the July 1993 issue of the Socialist Standard

Have you ever thought that the Socialist Party are just a lot of good talkers?

Are you itching to see some bigger things happen?
Do you want to support us in our biggest campaign yet?

Our plans for the June 1994 Euro-election are now well underway. We will he putting up genuine Socialist candidates in four seats: Birmingham East, Glasgow, London Central and Lothians. These constituencies are nearly ten times the size of Westminster ones, so in our campaign we will effectively he contesting the equivalent of 37 British parliamentary seats. This will mean that over two million electors will have a first time ever chance to vote for the case for socialism.

In return for the £4000 deposits which we will pay, the Post Office will distribute our Socialist Manifesto to one million households. This will he the widest single circulation of socialist ideas in our history. Our aim will not be to win votes from people who do not agree with us, but to encourage the largest possible number of recipients of the manifesto to contact us, support us consciously and then join us.

We have already raised the £4000 for deposits. (This will allow us to reach a million households for much less than a penny each.) Now we need much more money so that we can print the manifestoes and carry out all of the exciting preparatory and follow-up work for the campaign. If ever there was a good time to make a donation to our funds it is now. Please send your contributions to Election Fund, The Socialist Party, 52 Clapham High St, London SW4 7UN (and please make cheques payable to “The Socialist Party of Great Britain”).

In the months to come we will he publishing regular campaign updates. As our campaign gets closer we are going to need plenty of volunteers to help with the vital work of the campaign. This is our chance to “Go For A Million” and we are relying on the support of every supporter of the socialist objective to give the campaign the fullest backing.

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