
Monday, July 20, 2020

Your 'S.S.' will cost you more (1951)

Party News from the July 1951 issue of the Socialist Standard

We have had to increase the price of the Socialist Standard from 3d. to 4d. because of the very large rise in the cost of paper during recent months: Although we have delayed making this alteration that was not because the problem has only just arisen. In recent years the cost of printing the Socialist Standard each month has been considerably more than the income on sales received by the Head Office of the Party. The recent sharp rise in the cost of paper meant an additional deficit of about £20 a month and it was decided that we must ask readers to pay another 1d. a copy in order to keep the monthly loss within the previous limit.

We regret the necessity of raising the price as it has always been the aim of the Party to sell the Socialist Standard at the lowest price possible. We would like to he able to say that the increase is only a temporary one but paper costs are still rising and if the rise continues we may be compelled to consider the problem again in a few months.

Any readers who put their trust in Labour politicians may hope that the Government's new campaign to bring prices down will enable us again to sell the Socialist Standard at 3d. but we think they will be leaning on a weak reed.

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