
Saturday, May 15, 2021

Vegetarianism, Capitalism and Socialism (1945)

From the May 1945 issue of the Socialist Standard

Vegetarians may rightly claim that Diet is an important factor in maintaining a healthy organism, but— many other factors, such as Air, Clothing, Housing, Rest, Mental Serenity, etc., all play their part as contributary factors in causing Health or Disease.

Health, therefore (even as a relative term), does not merely depend upon the question as to whether one derives sustenance from the Vegetable or Animal Kingdoms, but also upon many other complex conditions.

Even were Diet the determining factor in Social Health (and we do not belittle the part it plays) and an Agricultural policy was universally adopted, would the vegetarian products of such a policy be available to All? Would workers and their families receive an adequate supply of fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts according to their needs? Or would they merely receive the quantity which the cash equivalent of their “Butcher's Meat" would buy? From the viewpoint of the working class there would still remain the problem of “making ends meet.” whether on a vegetarian or flesh diet.

The November issue of the "Vegetarian Messenger” (official organ of the Vegetarian Society), publishes an article relative to war time food production, showing the economic advantages of an agricultural policy, and the Ministry of Agriculture's statistics are quoted. Chief among these is the figure for total increase in arable land over 1939 figures, which is given as 63.3 per cent. It has taken a war to prove the economic Advantages of Vegetarianism ! Further on in the same article we read that . . . “These large decreases in livestock indicate that the exigencies of war do not permit of the extravagant policy of rearing large numbers of animals for food consumption.” (our italics). Exactly! The cost of production is ever the determining factor as to what will be produced in Capitalistic Society and what is food, but fuel used in the production of that other commodity, Labour-Power? So that, in weighing up the advantages that may accrue from an agricultural policy, we are of the opinion that the scales would turn in favour of those who BUY Labour Power, not those who SELL it and a cheaper worker would be doubly welcome if also a healthier one!

Whilst we may agree that a balanced diet which contains all the natural vital elements and vitamins is preferable to the “fleshpots,” we realise that until such a diet is available to the majority of mankind according to their needs and not according to their income as at present, small benefit can accrue for those who “live to work.”

Another factor to be taken into consideration relative to a flesh diet is the danger of contamination by foot and mouth disease. During a debate in the House of Commons on the subject, Mr. Turton (M.P. for Thirsk and Malton), stated there has been 126 reported outbreaks of this disease during the first ten months of 1944. (Hansard, November 17th, 1944). (our italics). Comparing above figures with those for the last war. Major York (member for Ripon), gave the number of outbreaks for the years 1916/1920 as 170. He went on to say . . . ,"There must have been nearly that number during the present year. That comparison alone, shows that there is a very serious situation.” Unlike Mr. Snadden (The Hon. member for West Perth, whose statement that “Foot and Mouth disease is a dagger pointing at the heart of our post war agricultural policy.” Hansard, November 17th, 1944, we are not concerned in alleviating the problems of our master's system, but are very much concerned in putting an end to the system which produces such problems.. Foot and Mouth disease is aggravated by war, which is inherent in the capitalist regime. The health of the working class, who hold no share in livestock or any other industry, will in the long run, depend upon their conscious knowledge of their slave position in society and their attainment of Socialism. Until then, their health will remain as it is, in jeopardy, despite any meagre benefits as a resultant of dietetic reform, restricted as it is by income.

What most Vegetarians fail to realise is that diet and health are determined by the Method whereby ALL wealth is produced.

At present we live in an era of private ownership of the means of life. Goods are produced for sale and only with a view to profit. Those who produce everything, own nothing (comparatively), and those who own everything, produce nothing. The worker sells his physical and mental energies and receives in return sufficient to allow hint to replenish his lost energy and reproduce his kind. This process goes on, “from the Cradle to the Grave," there is no escape. Neither by adopting a vegetarian diet, nor by concerning ourselves in the administration of their master’s system, will the workers emancipate themselves from ill health, poverty, war and unemployment. There is a far bigger problem than diet to solve, that is, the struggle for Social ownership of the wealth that is socially produced. So we see that the road to health is also the road to Socialism.

Workers! Get busy, start filing your chains by joining the Socialist Movement.
G. R. Russell


  1. That's how it appeared in the Standard. Russell had his own unique writing style, and I'm guessing the use of capitals was at his insistence.
