
Saturday, April 9, 2022

The Lie (1940)

From the June 1940 issue of the Socialist Standard

Lying , as an art, flourishes in modern civilisation. The lie which is the main concern of Socialists, is the one which is persistently repeated by the Communist Party and its crude satellites, namely, that SOCIALISM exists in Russia, The average worker, not understanding the principles of Socialism, is misled by a cunning, though simple, device. The Communist Party propaganda consists of playing upon the petty grievances of the workers in demagogic fashion and the frequent use of the words “Socialist Russia.” Never will they lecture on “Socialism,” because an understanding of Socialism would enable the workers to KNOW themselves whether or not Russia was Socialist. This, the Communist Party avoid at all costs, and is the KEY to Socialist Party work. The question arises WHY ?—and the answer is clear. Russia is a land of STATE CAPITALISM with a totalitarian dictatorship. Being a capitalist power, she is faced with the competition for markets by other capitalist powers. This makes her plan out a method of obtaining allies, so she subsidises her agents abroad. It would be impossible to obtain support on the ground of Nationalism (this is only useful if you are a SMALL nation) so Russia is called Socialist. However bewildered the workers may be as to what Socialism IS, they are not consciously ANTI-Socialist, and the Bolshevists strike a good note by playing on this sentiment. There are, however, Socialists who DO understand the meaning of Socialism and who point out that the existence of WAGES—PRICES—PROFITS, plus group dictatorship, is a denial of Socialism and a feature of capitalism. The art of lying now is seen. In order to justify the CAPITALISM masquerading as “Socialism,” Moscow INVENTS a difference and says “Socialism” is a stage on the road to “Communism,” and instructs its followers to popularise this lie. Men who, for twenty years and more, have never shown any difference between the two terms, now deliberately pass on this perversion and lie to the innocent workers. Just as the Nazis pass on the lie of “National Socialism” to cover up their capitalism, so the Bolshevists spread their lie of “Socialism” in Russia to cover up their form of capitalism. Two of a kind. This lie must be exposed and can only be done so by a party having Socialism as its goal, hence the need for the Socialist Party.

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