
Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Edinburgh Branch (1998)

Party News from the March 1998 issue of the Socialist Standard

Discussion Forum: Imagine
Politics is out of style. Racing towards the Millennium, we are faced as consumers with an increasingly perplexing range of career decision, pension plans, healthcare options, educational opportunities and leisure choices. But as electors, the political choice we are provided with appears to be rapidly narrowing down to an infinite number of politicians dancing on the middle-ground. Even Greenpeace and Oxfam have given up on governments, focusing their energies instead on shareholders at AGMs. It is against this background therefore that Edinburgh Branch has organised a series of discussions on the theme “How we live and how we might live.”

Saturday 21 March, 3-5pm.
The Classless Society. Speaker: Brian Gardner.

Is the accelerating development of capitalism, with its smart cards, TESSAs and ever-increasing consumer choice, gradually moving towards the classless society that both John Major and Karl Marx referred to? Is the market system the only way of prioritising what gets produced – or who goes hungry? Is the old communist ideal of production for use just a romantic but Utopian vision? And who cares about globalisation anyway if the bus service is still rubbish?

Venue: Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Terrace, Grassmarket, Edinburgh.

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