
Saturday, June 18, 2022

Letter: The May Day Circus (1973)

Letter to the Editors from the June 1973 issue of the Socialist Standard

Dear Comrade,

In the March copy of the Socialist Standard you asked for films and photographs of the activity in Hyde Park and Trafalgar Square.

If I had carried a camera at the 1939 May Day Demo in Hyde Park and been able to get a colour photograph of the horse-drawn leading dray into Hyde Park, it contained an arrangement of four flags — The Union Jack — The Tricolour of France, The Stars & Stripes and The Red Flag with Hammer & Sickle, also the May Day issue of the “Daily Worker’’ with the headlines:

"A Call to Churchill, Attlee and Archibald Sinclair — to demand the resignation of Chamberlain and confront Hitler at once”.

It nearly all has happened, and the people who asked for it are now trying to forget it all.
D. B.

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