
Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Party News Briefs (1957)

Party News from the January 1957 issue of the Socialist Standard

"Socialist Standard” Subscription. Readers are reminded that a subscription form is included in this issue. To ensure that the Standard is delivered regularly, why not send a subscription for 1957?

Lewisham Branch is holding an extensive propaganda drive during January when a by-election is taking place in Lewisham. An indoor meeting is being held on Thursday, January 10th, at Davenport Co-op Hall, Davenport Road, Rushey Green, Catford  Comrades Bryan and Wilmott are the speakers. The meeting starts at 7.30 p.m. —all are
 welcome. There will be time for questions and discussion.

Lunch Hour Meetings are again being held in Lincoln’s Inn Fields on Tuesdays and Fridays and at Finsbury Pavement on Tuesdays. The meetings at Tower Hill on Thursdays are continuing most successfully. At each meeting place the meetings commence at 1 p.m. If members will, whenever possible, support these meetings, there is every chance that we will re-establish these previously very successful propaganda stations.

Film Lectures at Head Office. These Sunday evening meetings have got off to a very good start—details of the January films are given in this issue. An interesting evening is ensured and there is always time after the lecture for a get together and a cup of tea.

Study Classes are commencing again at Head Office on Sunday afternoon, January 6th, at 3.30 p.m. An excellent syllabus has been prepared and the Classes Organiser is anxious that as many Comrades attend as possible. In the past the classes have proved of great benefit to speakers, writers and members generally, particularly young Comrades.

Head Office Social. A “free and easy” social has been arranged for Saturday, 5th January at 7.30 p.m. at Head Office.
Phyllis Howard

Blogger's Note:
There is a strong indication that the Lewisham meeting at Davenport Co-op Hall was canceled.

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