
Friday, June 17, 2022

Party Notes and News (1942)

Party News from the May 1942 issue of the Socialist Standard

The third Annual Conference of the Party since the start of the war was held at the Lysbeth Hall Oxford Street, W., on the 3rd, 4th and 5th of April. Despite present-day difficulties, there was an excellent attendance of delegates and party members from London and the provinces. The work of the past year was reviewed, and important decisions were taken which, it is hoped, will lead to increased activity, particularly as regards propaganda.

Whilst Conference was in session, fraternal greetings were received by cablegram from our comrades overseas. Conference responded by cabling the following message to our companion parties abroad:
“On the occasion of this third Annual Conference since the outbreak of war, the delegates present to-day forward to their comrades in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the U.S.A. their most cordial and fraternal greetings, determined to carry on the hard, laborious but essential spadework for Socialism and resolved to propagate and keep alive the principle of international working-class fraternity. In the midst of our common hardships and difficulties, we send a message of encouragement to our comrades overseas.”
On the evening of the last day of Conference, a most successful mass rally of comrades and sympathisers was held at the Wigmore Hall. Comrades Rubin and Groves addressed the meeting. Comrade Groves gave a brief but interesting account of the history of the S.P.G.B., and Comrade Rubin dealt ably with the party’s present and future prospects. Literature sales were excellent, and a collection realised nearly £25.

The Social Committee deserved the many thanks which they received for organising a very enjoyable re-union and dance which took place in the evening of the second day of Conference. Many requests were received for a social and dance to take place in the near future.

Glasgow branch continue their highly successful meetings at the Central Halls in that city.

A plan to send a full-time propagandist to certain provincial cities, and Scotland, is under consideration. Details will be announced as soon as possible. The Propaganda Committee are also considering resuming regular meetings at certain London stations, including Finsbury Park, Victoria Park, etc. Readers of the Socialist Standard are asked to help to make known as widely as possible all party meetings, indoor as well as outdoor.
H. G. Holt
April, 1942.

DEBATE. Anarchism versus Socialism

A Debate will be held at Conway Hall, on Sunday, May 31st, at 7.30 p.m.

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