
Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Socialists and Liberals. Mr. Will Thorne’s view. (1904)

From the December 1904 issue of the Socialist Standard

The “Stratford Express” publishes the following letter:-

“November 11th. 1904.

“Dear Sir—In reply to yours, with reference to attending at Mr. Crooks’ meeting to-night, I think it will be impossible for me to attend, as I have to attend a joint meeting at the Bricklayers’ Hall, Southwark, in connection with the sections engaged in the building trade.

“I should like to point out that by the compact made by the Liberal and Radical members of the West Ham Town Council with the Tories with a view of defeating the ends of the Labour Party, it has made it almost impossible for the advanced workers in the borough to render any assistance to the Liberal and Radical candidate for the north side of the borough. No doubt some of these gentlemen will say that the Socialist and Labour Party made a compact with the members of the Council in 1898.

“But I should like to point out that the compact we made was with the Liberals and Radicals and Irish Nationalists. Many members of the Liberal and Radical Party have been urging a compact between Liberalism and Labour, but it has never been suggested or thought of by the Socialists and Labour members with the Tories. You will, therefore, see that there is a great deal of difference between the compact made in 1898 and the agreement made between the Liberals and Tories of the West Ham Town Council for the election of Mr. Byford as Mayor, and for filling up the vacant aldermanic seats.

“If this thing is going to continue, then it seems to me that the gulf which exists between Liberalism and Labour will become very much wider. I trust that you will have a very successful meeting. I was thinking of writing a letter to the Press about the compact made by the Liberals and Radicals and the Tory members on the West Ham Town Council.
“Yours truly,
“Mr. W. Wadley
“68, Hampton-road, Forest Gate, E.”

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