
Monday, July 18, 2022

Obituary: Len Young (2000)

Obituary from the May 2000 issue of the Socialist Standard

Len Young, the longest serving member of Birmingham Branch died of cancer on 5 April at the age of 81. He joined the Socialist Party in 1942. Although his health in recent years prevented him from being active, he was one of the main pillars of the branch for many years, speaking regularly from the outdoor platform in the Bull Ring. He had a loud, deep voice (quite unlike the gentle speech he had in casual conversation) which could gather listeners from far away. And because he was a big man he made an imposing figure on the platform. The post-war years saw outdoor meetings of hundreds of people and it was members like Len who developed into impressive orators to take advantage of the interest and enthusiasm for politics and explain the necessity of removing capitalism before there could be any amelioration in the position of the working class.
Ron Cook

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