
Monday, September 11, 2023

50 Years Ago: Labour Party Discontents 1910 (1960)

The 50 Years Ago column from the September 1960 issue of the Socialist Standard


Mr. Cecil Chesterton on J. R. MacDonald

As for the Labour men, they have been utterly routed in the South and Midlands, while in the North those that have kept their seats have only done so by exchanging their boasted independence for an abject dependence on Liberal votes. Where they have attempted a three-cornered fight, they have been not so much snowed under as entirely disregarded by the electorate. Mr. MacDonald is the most splendid organiser of defeat the world has ever seen.


Mr. MacDonald on his Party

If this irritating unsettlement, even if it is confined to a small section, is to go on year after year, the result is obvious. Men are not to waste their lives, when other spheres of useful activity are open to them, in controversy which is silly and in repelling criticisms which are often beneath contempt

From the Socialist Standard, September. 1910.

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