
Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Delegate Meeting (1951)

Party News from the October 1951 issue of the Socialist Standard

The Delegate Meeting which was held on Saturday and Sunday, September 1st and 2nd, was adjourned, as a considerable amount of work was still to be dealt with. It was agreed by the Delegates that the Executive Committee should consider the advisability of holding a Meeting of Party Members to further discuss Parliamentary activity, and it has been decided to hold the adjourned Delegate Meeting and the Party meeting on Saturday and Sunday, October 6th and 7th. Unfortunately Conway Hall is not available but the Holborn Hall, Grays Inn Road, has been booked.

The resumed Delegate meeting will be held on Saturday afternoon, 6th, from 2 p.m., in the Small Holborn Hall, and Sunday morning 11 a.m., 7th October, in the large Holborn Hall. The Meeting of Party Members will be held in the large Hall from 2 p.m. on the Sunday afternoon. Branches and Members have already been advised, but this is an additional reminder.

Bloomsbury Branch has commenced its weekly discussion meetings after branch business on Thursdays at the North Room, Conway Hall. The subjects being dealt with during October are 11th, Development of Political Thought—H. Young; 18th, Painting—C. Devereux; Oct. 25th and November 1st—Housing. October 4th meeting will be held in the Small Conway Hall—E. Hardy will speak on "High Prices and No Prices.” This meeting commences at 7.30 p.m.
Phyllis Howard

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