
Sunday, October 22, 2023

Tottenham Branch Report. (1905)

Party News from the December 1905 issue of the Socialist Standard

No report of this Branch has as yet appeared in the Socialist Standard, but since the Branch was constituted on 28th December, 1904, a year’s steady and determined propaganda has placed it among the strongest in the Party. During the summer three outdoor meetings were held every week and we even hope to continue the very successful Sunday meetings at “West Green Corner” throughout the winter. At this place where all the- open-air political work of Tottenham is done we are the most firmly established of all the various Parties, and can easily sell more Literature than all others combined.

The large amount of opposition given by representatives of every political faction in the country has greatly assisted us in making the Socialist position clear to the workers, and the sophistries and coniusionist tactics of Liberal and Tory, Free Trader and Protectionist, of I.L.P. and S.D.F.’er, of L.R.C. and N.D.L.’er, the Temperance men and Charity mongers, the Back-to-the-Lands and the Land Nationalizers, have been fully exposed to audiences of 300 to 600.

Our membership has so increased that we have been compelled to secure larger premises for our weekly business meetings, which are now held every Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. in the hall of the Sunbeam Coffee Tavern.

It is pleasing to be able to record such a gratifying result of our efforts, and our comrades in other parts may take it as an assurance that the workers of Tottenham will not lag behind but are ready and willing to take their place in the fight for, and capture of, The World for the Workers.
Les Boyne

1 comment:

  1. Les Boyne was a member of the SPGB from Nov 29, 1904 until being lapsed from Party membership on Aug 1, 1906.

    'Kaz' mentions that Boyne is mentioned in Ken Weller's wonderful 'Don't Be A Soldier' . I'll try to dig out what it says about Boyne. I need to reread that book.
