
Sunday, December 10, 2023

Obituary: George Bazin (1954)

Obituary from the October 1954 issue of the Socialist Standard

We have learned of the death early this year of George Bazin, one of the group involved in the Islington dispute recounted recently in “ Notes on Party History.”

He joined the Party not long after its formation, having heard Fitzgerald speaking outdoors in Finsbury. The 1906 dispute ended his membership, but his enthusiasm for Socialism remained all his life; for the last 20 years he was almost blind, but he attended meetings regularly and gave generously to the funds. He often singled out a questioner, particularly if he was young, after a meeting; more than one present member joined the Party through contact with Bazin’s wide knowledge and friendly manner.

His passing has broken another link with the early days, and taken away one who never gave up working for Socialism.

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