
Monday, December 11, 2023

The Challenge of Socialism (1954)

Book Review from the November 1954 issue of the Socialist Standard

Out of Oxford, home of lost causes, comes “The Challenge of Socialism,” by Henry Pelling, tutor and don of Queen’s College, Oxford, in “The British and Political Series.”

It gives a summary of Anarchist and Socialist (also economic writers), speakers and writers from 1700 onwards down to Our Herbie, and, while treating carefully Marx and Engels, does not stress Materialism and quite carefully ignores S.P.G.B., although giving a good record of S.D.F. and Labour politicians during this last half century.

It is quite a good book of reference and worth a glimpse. 300 pages.
J. M.B.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, if that constitutes a book review maybe I should start submitting book reviews to the Socialist Standard . . . on second thoughts, maybe not.
