
Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Answers to Correspondents. (1906)

From the June 1906 issue of the Socialist Standard

L.G. (Reading.)—It was in August, 1902, that the S.D.F. Conference, acting on the recommendation of its Executive Council, decided to withdraw from the L.R.C., and it was not until February, 1903, that the L.R.C. Conference decided that in future all candidates run under its auspices should be designated Labour Candidates only. The statement by Mr. H. Quelch, at the Amsterdam Congress, to the effect that the only objection that the S.D.F. had to the L.R.C. was its refusal to allow candidates who claimed to be Socialists to run as such was somewhat misleading.

W.H.M. (Merthyr.)—The attitude of the I.L.P. on the Class War may be seen from the following :
“We refuse to utter the shibboleth of ‘the class war,’ and we remain loyal to the non-Socialist Labour Representation Committee.” [Labour Leader, Editorial on ”The Amsterdam Congress,” Aug. 26, 1904.]

“I denounced it” (the Class War dogma) “as a reactionary and whiggish precept, certain to lead the movement away from the real aims of Socialism.” [J. Bruce Glasier, in same issue.]
COMRADE (Tooting).—If possible will deal with the matter referred to in next issue.

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