
Sunday, February 4, 2024

Obituary: Paula Winters (2007)

Obituary from the January 2007 issue of the Socialist Standard

Glasgow Branch regrets to report the passing of Paula Winters. Paula joined the party in March 1984 and entered into party activity with great enthusiasm. Her honest and outgoing personality together with her empathy for people made her a valuable addition to the branch. Unfortunately Paula’s health declined and this prevented her from participating in branch activities. Before her illness she had performed cop-watching duties on fly-posting excursions and was the branch’s undisputed top literature seller too. Vic Vanni had heard stories about her success at selling the Socialist Standard around the pubs and went with her to find out for himself. “Sure enough,” he said “it was all true and her sales technique really was something to behold!” Despite her many illnesses and misfortunes, Paula never lost her empathy and sympathy for her fellow workers. In fact it sometimes seemed as though she took the problems of the world upon her own shoulders and her compassion seemed to know no bounds. To know her truly was to love her and to Paula everyone in the world was her friend. We shall all miss her. Our deepest condolences go to her sister Josephine; my sister Flora, who was a close friend; and other relatives together with all of her many friends. I, who had the privilege of being her partner for twenty-six years, will find the world a much bleaker place without her. She was a magnificent woman and a true revolutionary.
John Cumming

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