
Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Visit to Ukraine (2002)

Party News from the February 2002 issue of the Socialist Standard

In December comrades Danny Lambert and Vincent Otter travelled to Kiev in Ukraine, as mandated delegates of the Socialist Party of Great Britain, to meet a group who had expressed a desire to become a companion party of the World Socialist Movement. After expressing gratitude for the hospitality offered, they reported:
“The organisation in Kiev carries the name of International Young Workers and was established in 1993. Since its initial contact with the WSM in September 2000 it has accepted the socialist case. By meeting the comrades and having detailed discussions with them involving many questions and answers, both of us were able to see that the IYW is firmly opposed to all aspects of reformism and, at the same time, opposes vanguardism in all its various forms, such as Leninism, Stalinism and Trotskyism.

"In addition, they fully support the concept of socialism as a society of common ownership and democratic control of the means of production and distribution. They recognise that it must be established on a worldwide basis with the understanding and support of a majority of the world’s population”.
The report has been sent to the other parties in the World Socialist Movement for a decision on accepting the group into the WSM under the name of The World Socialist Party (Ukraine).

Blogger's Note:
Please see this previous post for the background on this duplicitous event.

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