
Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Yellow Peril (1945)

From the July 1945 issue of the Socialist Standard

A Miss Hoare was mentioned in the Daily Express of April 18th, 1945, as a person with quaint ideas. She has lived in Japan for 26 years, including nine months after the war started. This is what she had to say: “The Japanese are a most lovable, courteous and kind people. I was never afraid of them. I loved them and they loved me.” She went on to say that the Westerners have driven the Japanese into war and that before that they were peaceable, self-supporting and content. Historically it is true that Japan used to be isolated from the outside world, but it is not the Western world which now has driven the Japanese into war, it is capitalism. It was owing to the fact that a certain section of the ruling-class of Japan set out upon a programme of capitalist expansion with the object of obtaining cheaper raw materials and access to markets that the Japanese are at war. All war under capitalism is brought about for the same reason whether it is by Japan, Germany, Britain, Russia, or any other up-to-date country.

The workers of Japan, owing to their political ignorance support war in the same way as the workers of other countries support it. Until they understand the working of the present system of society they will continue their support. British fellow workers please note.

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