
Friday, March 8, 2024

New Blog Page: Pathfinders

The more eagle-eyed amongst will have noticed that there are some new additions to the layout of the blog. If you cast your eye to the top of the homepage you will see new links to pages dedicated to three current Socialist Standard columns. (More to follow.)

It makes sense that, as there is now so much material on the blog, steps have to be taken to ensure that columns, writers and subjects don't get buried amongst what are now thousands and thousands of posts. Therefore, part of the new remit of the blog will be to create dedicated pages for the aforementioned columns, writers and subjects.

One of the first pages created for the blog is for the Pathfinders column, a regular feature in the Socialist Standard since 2005. As the page's intro states, the column:
". . . broadly looks at aspects of science and technology in capitalism, with an eye on how they might look or be applied in a future world where money and profit are not the driving factors."
As there are somewhere in the region of 200 plus Pathfinders columns listed on the page, I thought for this introductory post I'd give a rundown of the 20 most popular Pathfinders columns on the blog at the time of writing. Not saying they're the best columns, but they are ones with the most views. If nothing else, it gives some indication of what subjects garner the most interest.

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