Pathfinders is a column that broadly looks at aspects of science and technology in capitalism, with an eye on how they might look or be applied in a future world where money and profit are not the driving factors. Areas covered have included industry, society, health, gender, energy, electric cars, computing, climate change, space, anthropology, genetics, language, intellectual property and the scientific method.
- Jan: SocialSim City
- Feb: Tsunami Special
- Mar: How would socialism deal with waste and pollution?
- Apr: What would a socialist society do about nuclear energy?
- May: Nanotechnology: the end of Scarcity?
- Jun: Socialism and Voting
- Jul: What will Socialist society do with science?
- Aug: Is Socialist Theory Scientific?
- Sep: Socialist Robots . . .
- Oct: Science, socialism and the animal question
- Nov: Bird Flu: how capitalism could make it worse
- Dec: Nuclear Con-Fusion
- Jan: The Tomorrow People
- Feb: Yoof Culture
- Mar: Sorry, Page Cannot Be Displayed
- Apr: Avatar, avachange
- May: Destressing society
- Jun: Game On
- Jul: La Dolce Vita
- Aug: Radioactive days
- Sep: Odds Uneven
- Oct: High and Dry
- Nov: The Science of Morality, the Morality of Science
- Dec: Hot Air Emissions
- Jan: Bonobo Fides
- Feb: Junk Shopping
- Mar: Particles of Faith
- Apr: The Great Global Warming Swindle' Swindle
- May: Crystal ball gazing
- Jun: Digging Up Old Bones
- Jul: Upload, download, freeload!
- Aug: Conspiracy of Dunces
- Sep: Earth Version Two
- Oct: Socialism in the Space Age
- Nov: Why Gould was wrong, and why Dawkins might be even more wrong
- Dec: Christmas Crackers
- Jan: Why the minus 16.3 percent happy face?
- Feb: Emission Control? We have a problem
- Mar: The Socialist Gene
- Apr: Home is where the heart attack is . . .
- May: Look down there, and tell me what you see . . .
- Jun: Love is the Drug
- Jul: Reprap artists are Fab
- Aug: Capitalism's model behaviour
- Sep: Machine, Heal Thyself
- Oct: S-C-A-ISM minus O-I-L?
- Nov: Crisis? Which Crisis?
- Dec: Future al Fresco, or the House of Cards that Jacque built
- Jan: Ready, aim . . . Press Enter
- Feb: Darwin in the pink
- Mar: "We won’t be back"
- Apr: How scientific are scientists?
- May: Socialism on drugs
- Jun: ESA’s eggs in one rocket
- Jul: Chimps, Chumps and Cheetahs
- Aug: Trans-Human Socialism
- Sep: Euthanasia? Line on the left, one needle each . . .
- Oct: Is technology making us stupid?
- Nov: Gullibility Travels
- Dec: Calorie counts and pet scans
- Jan: Top of the Pop Charts
- Feb: The Machine inside the Ghost
- Mar: Brave New Epsilons
- Apr: All Quiet in the Western Front Room
- May: Thinking Outside the Pox
- Jun: Blow-out
- Jul: Sonic Youth
- Aug: Meat Into Veg
- Sep: Taiga Taiga burning bright . . .
- Oct: Quantum socialism
- Nov: Extracting the Miguel
- Dec: Doubleplusungood
- Jan: Engineering the Earth
- Feb: The final frontier
- Mar: Double Bubble Trouble
- Apr: Brain Strain
- May: Round in circles
- Jun: The next bubble
- Jul: Fission confusion
- Aug: Plastic Waste – Is There a Solution?
- Sep: No Man is an Island . . .
- Oct: Meat without the bleat
- Nov: Bones of Contention
- Dec: Parasites Lost
- Jan: The Speed of Enlightenment
- Feb: The New Untouchables
- Mar: Acta of Desperation
- Apr: War – the Enders in Sight
- May: More Monkey Business
- Jun: Jealous Guy
- Jul: Wheat on Trial
- Aug: Higgs Story in the Making
- Sep: Heavenly Gates
- Oct: Down on the Pharma
- Nov: Bodging the Badger Debate
- Dec: Water, Water Everywhere . . .
- Jan: Fracking – A Bridge Too Far?
- Feb: Caring and Sharing
- Mar: Flogging a Dead Horse
- Apr: Telepathy – the Demolished Ego
- May: Crowd Atlas
- Jun: Wooster sauce
- Jul: Symptoms of Anachronitis
- Aug: Analogy Aversion
- Sep: Birthday Wishes
- Oct: 'Smart' is the New Black
- Nov: Digging up the Dirt
- Dec: Alfred the Great
- Jan: Please Don’t Feed the Drones
- Feb: Dirty Secrets
- Mar: Under the Ground and Over the Moon
- Apr: Mission Statement
- May: Harpoons and Handy Gadgets
- Jun: Back from the brink
- Jul: What’s Going on With the Rainforest?
- Aug: Drinking from the Skulls
- Sep: Tomorrow’s People
- Oct: The Dark Rebellion
- Nov: The Real War to End Wars
- Dec: Watch This Space . . .
- Jan: Doing Something for Nothing
- Feb: Yo-Yos a-Go-Go
- Mar: Capitalism in its Element
- Apr: Selling History By The Pound
- May: Immaculate conceptions
- Jun: Post-election Blues
- Jul: Enema of the People
- Aug: Harmony of the Hive Mind
- Sep: The Biggest Question? Don’t Ask . . .
- Oct: Robots of the World - You Have Nothing to Lose But Your Blockchains
- Nov: After the Sugar Rush
- Dec: Digging Optimism
- Jan: Lights Out, Action . . .
- Feb: Desperate Deal in Davos
- Mar: (Pr x Media) = Funding2
- Apr: Blam! Kerpow! Trump!
- May: Capitalism's War On the War On Drugs
- Jun: Great Men of Straw
- Jul: Guns, Gays and the NRA
- Aug: 10: GOTO 20. 20: GOTO 10. 10: GOTO 20 . . .
- Sep: The Mismanagement of Measuring
- Oct: Vision Impossible
- Nov: Scenes Deleted From The Jungle Book
- Dec: A Seasoning of Goodwill
- Jan: How the Rich Suffer With Their Piles
- Feb: The Ladybird Book of Revolution
- Mar: Coprophilia
- Apr: Don't Be Evil
- May: The Market System – Bull, Bear and Black Dog
- Jun: I’m Putting on my Black Hat . . .
- Jul: Farron, Fossils and Fire Ice
- Aug: Global Warning Fatigue
- Sep: The Activism Gap
- Oct: Subscription-based Capitalism
- Nov: The Fall and Rise of the Electric Car
- Dec: A Rattle of Blockchains
- Jan: Tempus Non Fugit
- Feb: The New Home Help
- Mar: Space Oddity
- Apr: Capitalism’s Bond Villains
- May: Killer Apps
- Jun: The opposite of binary oppositions
- Jul: UBIquity
- Aug: Stars Like Us
- Sep: Plastic not so fantastic
- Oct: Whale Flukes
- Nov: Monkey Dramas
- Dec: The Only Way Is Ethics (Not)
- Jan: Missionary Positions
- Feb: The Far Side
- Mar: Getting Twitchy about copyright
- Apr: Heartland of a heartless world
- May: Latter-day Neros
- Jun: Fully automated luxury . . . capitalism
- Jul: The Parthian Torpedo
- Aug: Blackout in Sudan
- Sep: Cunning stunts and climate tokens
- Oct: Capitalism’s Holy Grail
- Nov: Socialism – there’s an app for that
- Dec: Getting Out Of The Fast Lane
- Jan: Fake news? Go and boil your bread
- Feb: Celebs wanted, dead or alive
- Mar: Stories from the city
- Apr: Under Siege
- May: Denialists and Doomsayers
- Jun: Locked up in lockdown
- Jul: Virus pandemonium
- Aug: Dust to Dust
- Sep: Two fingers to the virus
- Oct: Capitalism by gaslight
- Nov: Burning rain
- Dec: New Hope and Phantom Menace
- Jan: Magic bullets
- Feb: Gene genies
- Mar: Speaking of tongues
- Apr: The Price of Everything
- May: Whales, Scales and Fishy Tales
- Jun: Climate Change – Somebody Else’s Problem?
- Jul: Space Race 2.0
- Aug: Eye to eye
- Sep: Say It Loud
- Oct: Fighting fire with fireproofing
- Nov: Let’s start the real debate about climate change
- Dec: The Theory of Everything
- Jan: Final Frontiers
- Feb: Is capitalism making us lose our marbles?
- Mar: You are now in Capitalist Economic Time
- Apr: Tales from the Crypto
- May: Original Sin
- Jun: AI: the last invention we ever need to make . . .
- Jul: Ghostly beings in the machine
- Aug: If you really want peace . . .
- Sep: Growing up with Jordan Peterson
- Oct: Socialism – read instructions carefully
- Nov: Ancient wisdom
- Dec: The Baby Bust
- Jan: More Tales from the Crypto
- Feb: Sky high and ocean deep
- Mar: Shut up and take the pill
- Apr: Fancy a chat, GPT?
- May: Ad Astra
- Jun: They shoot grouse, don’t they?
- Jul: Patent nonsense
- Aug: Bread and butter issues
- Sep: Russian roulette
- Oct: Vanity projects
- Nov: Nothing but animals
- Dec: The tangled web
- Jan: The Acali Raft Experiment
- Feb: Capitalism unplugged
- Mar: How much does Dark Matter?
- Apr: Attack of the zombies
- May: Death by algorithm
- Jun: A walk in the woods
- Jul: Up for grabs
- Aug: Lions and lionesses
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